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vendredi 26 novembre 2010

Check the Internet before sleep causes insomnia for adolescents.

A recent U.S. study revealed that more than 50% of children and teenagers who surf the Internet at times suffer sleep problems during sleep and also during the day, especially mood, behavior and other cognitive problems.

The study proved that provided for 40 children and young people aged between 8 and 22-year-old teenager that sends about 3400 email in times of sleep each month. They also discovered that children who use electronic technology to send e-mails and surf the Internet and play computer games at bedtime suffer from problems during sleep, such as hyperactivity and pain of men and insomnia, and problems during the day, such as poor attention and hyperactivity, irritability, and frustration and the difficulty of learning.

The head of the research team Medical Center in Edison, New Jersey, Dr. Peter Poulos: "The really amazing thing is that the large number of pages and messages sent by the child every night for a rate of 33 every night."

He added: "What excites us is the extent of children's exercise of the activities of the alarm in time that they had to sleep and not sending e-mails."

He has Paulus and his team examine the questionnaire provided for 40 children and young people aged between 8 and 22 years, and found that children who use electronic technology to send e-mails and surf the Internet and play computer games at bedtime suffer from problems not only during sleep, such as hyperactivity and pain of men and insomnia but also with problems during the day, such as poor attention and hyperactivity, irritability, and frustration and the difficulty of learning.

It is noteworthy that the proportion of children 12-17 years using the Internet on a daily basis in America, including sending e-mails and various sites, including sites and locations of educational electronic games and social networking Facebook and Twitter .

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