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vendredi 26 novembre 2010

Excessive consumption of meat causes the premature death

A recent British study that limit the consumption of meat may prevent the occurrence of cases of premature death by up to 45 thousand cases in Britain alone, where the cardiac unit at the University of Oxford analyzed the health outcomes of a number of diets and concluded that the meat to three times a week at most bar 31 A case of death from heart disease and 9, thousands of cancer deaths and 5 thousand cases of stroke each year, which provides about 1,2 billion pounds sterling of the health budget.

According to Friends of the Earth, which recommended the work of this study to be attached to the report of healthy food on our planet, that reduce our consumption of meat would also help in reducing the rates of climate change and deforestation.

Have caused the increase in population and prosperity, financial and agricultural processing in increasing world consumption of meat to four-fold since 1961. According to the study the average British person consumption of meat to 125 kg per year.

According to medical standards there is a close link between eating red meat and bowel cancer, while causing meat and dairy products rich in saturated fats in the incidence of obesity and heart disease.

On the environmental level, there is an orderly process to remove the forests of South America to grow crops that provide feed for livestock to be exported to Europe, a process that causes the increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.

Has recommended that former President of the Office of Health, Sir Liam Donaldson, public eating less meat, saying in a report this year: "if our diet cause an increase in temperature of the planet. As it destroys our health." He added that the reduction in our approach to meat by 30% would prevent 18 thousand premature deaths.

And recognizes the Society of Friends of the Earth that the UK should take a collective stand of the consumption of meat in abundance, rate of litter indicates that the meat producer has become cheap and widely available in the markets of Britain. This recommends that the Assembly Minister, led a campaign to follow a diet low in meat consumption and reduce waste with the change of public procurement contracts to take into account environmental and health standards in any product market.

Dr. Mick Rayner, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford This research demonstrates the health benefits of reducing the intake of meat and dairy products in the UK and identifies allowable address them more thoroughly than ever before.

While he says Friends of the Earth Director Craig stated: "We do not have to become vegetarians to take care of our health and our planet, but we need to reduce our consumption of meat."

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