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vendredi 26 novembre 2010

"Hold my hand" .. a new song for Michael Jackson.

"Hold my hand .." Bilateral Jackson song with rap music producer Akon
Los Angeles - Agencies

Her company has announced the right to sell recordings of the late U.S. pop star Michael Jackson, it will be next Monday, November 15 bilateral song with his rap music producer Akon.

And will become the song "Hold my hand - Hold My Hand" put the first song from the album of the new Jackson since his death in 2009, has been recorded for the first time in 2007 and leaked in the form of non-finals in 2008 on the Internet, according to the agency "Reuters".

The company said Sony APEC Her right to sell recordings of Jackson, Akon recently finished production of the song, will be the song in the world in November 15 to become the first song put formally from the album "Michael - Michael" which will be put in turn, on 14 December I next.

She explained Sony and organizers of the legacy of Jackson that they have a note in his handwriting had demonstrated his desire to be the song "Hold my hand," the first song put on the market of his new project.

And said Akon, who worked with Jackson before his untimely death in June 2009 50 years ago: "The world was not ready to hear" Hold my hand "when a leaked two years ago, but it's time machining. And now in its final form is a great song do not believe the sense of music. I'm proud of, yet I work with Michael. is one of my stars who Oashgahm. "

Sony also revealed details of the ten songs contained in the album Michael, the first album put the late King of Pop album since "Invincible - Invincible" in 2001.

And received the blessing of the album is expected based on the legacy of Jackson, is the latest business to make profits from behind the popular renewable King of Pop after his sudden death.

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